Friday, June 27, 2014

Mascara Review: No Falsies Needed

Hello friends!
I hope everyone is having a beautiful end to their week! Last week my husband took me shopping and I purchased some amazing and not so amazing products to review and compare for you. The most requested product review was for mascara. Shopping for mascara is not the simplest of tasks. There are so many different choices for mascara to choose from. You can get mascara that makes your lashes longer. You can get mascara that makes your lashes thicker. There is blue mascara, black and brown mascara. There's mascara with glitter and mascara with fibers, you could never try them all yourself. Lucky for you, I've had an obsession with mascara since I started wearing makeup many many moons ago ;)

The mascara that I am so confident in recommending to you is They're Real! from Benefit Cosmetics. I first tried this mascara when I was given a duo sample pack from benefit as a birthday gift from Sephora.

 According to the package, They're Real! claims to lengthen, curl, volumize, lift and separate your lashes. It says that they're jet black, long wearing formula will not wear off. I was amazed because for the first time in I think, um, EVER, the product does EXACTLY what it claims to do. I, apparently, am not the only one that thinks this because the package also says that 94% of users saw dramatic length and volume, 90% saw base to tip curl, 94% saw visible lift and a whopping 100% of users saw long-wearing results!

After using the travel size that I received for my birthday I purchased the full size tube from Sephora for $23. I know a lot of you are used to paying between 6 and 10 dollars for mascara and are having a hard time justifying dishing out 23 big ones, but trust me, it is more than worth it! You can't bat your beautiful lashes at a young stud if they're stuck together and less than stellar.

 Think about how much money you've wasted trying to find that perfect mascara... and now your search is over! You never have to waste endless dollars ever again and can instead invest in a knock out product that will cause any guy to look twice and have every woman wondering if they're real...don't worry, we're still talking about eyelashes!

Benefit Cosmetics has a lot of amazing products but their beyond mascara, They're Real!, is definitely my favorite! Like I mentioned earlier, I've tried a lot of mascaras but after finding this gem I will never have to go on the hunt again!
If you've tried this mascara, please, let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thank you for reading what I have to share!


  1. Wow it looks great on you! Doesn't work on my asian lashes but LOVE the wand!

    1. Awww, thank you so much! That is so sweet! What is your favorite mascara?
