Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sally’s Beauty Supply: Sally Girl Baked Eyeshadow Pots

 Hello friends!

I'm so excited to bring you this review tonight because I have always loved playing with different eyeshadow and eyeliner looks so when I find a real gem of an eyeshadow I can hardly contain myself! 
 I was browsing through Sally’s Beauty Supply one day and saw a display that had a plethora of eyeshadows on it! It had individual eyeshadows of every color, finish and varying degrees of pigmentation.

This trio looks great together and compliment each other very well!

 I was astonished at the price ringing up at a whopping grand total of…$1.06 including tax!! And at this price I really couldn’t resist snatching up a few of each. Let’s be real though, paying a dollar for eyeshadow I really wasn’t expecting a makeup miracle nor was I expecting these little fellers to withstand all the makeup hazards the day has to offer us ladies. You can imagine my surprise when I used them and not only were they extremely pigmented but the Sally Girl Baked Eyeshadows remained intact for the duration of the day!

Sally Girl Baked Eyeshadow
True to color when used wet

I do have a few tips on how I prefer to use the Baked Eyeshadows to ensure you are really getting the most out of this product as absolutely possible. I played around with them for a bit when I first brought them home and found that if you do not dampen your brush and use them wet you really don’t get much pigmentation. When used “properly” the effect that you get is dramatic, precise and has a slight reflective sheen.

I am in love with this blue! It's great as a liner as well!

I am really impressed with these baked eyeshadows for multiple reasons. The first reason and the most obvious reason is, of course, the price. Introducing you to amazing beauty products at an affordable price is what inspired me to start this blog in the first place. I mean, come on, $1.06 for a great baked eyeshadow? SCORE! At that price you can afford to buy every color imaginable! Another reason to run out and get your hands on these beauties is their pigmentation and gorgeous color!

Swatch of color number 388123

 I was really impressed with the assortment of colors. They have a great selection of bold colors and also a great selection of neutral colors as well. I promise you that you will not be disappointed with these. Sally’s Beauty Supply’s Sally Girl Baked Eyeshadows are not only a great price but a great product as well.

If you have tried this product please leave a comment below and tell me what you think!

Thank you for reading what I have to share!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Contest Time!!!!

Hello friends! 
I am so so sorry that it has been a bit since my last post but my tablet was being a brat! Computers are like men... you can't live with 'em yet you can't live without 'em! Is it just me or does it seem that anytime I have a ton of work to do and deadlines to meet my computer decides that this would be the perfect time to take a big fat dump right on top of my head!!! 

I feel so bad and feel like I have let you all down so I'm going to have a little contest to try and make it up to you!
The contest will start immediately and run until August 15th! The prize will be a $25 gift card (you can choose from a list of great retailers or a visa card) and a gift bag with a couple of fabulous goodies in there for you too. What do you have to do to win, you ask? You have to follow my blog and refer as many friends and family as you possibly can. The minimum amount of referrals needed to qualify for the contest is 5. ***THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT*** Have the person you referred follow my blog and then comment YOUR first name and last initial in the comments section of this post to ensure that you receive credit!!!!! If this is not done you will NOT RECEIVE CREDIT! On August 15th I will total all of the names up and announce the winner on the morning of August 16th. 
I thought this would be a fun contest to show my appreciation to all of you for your support. This contest will also help us get closer to the 100 followers we need for the Happy 100 Giveaway!!! If you are not familiar with the Happy 100 Giveaway you can read all about it on my main page.

If you have any questions, please, feel free to leave a comment below :)

Let's see who has a competitive nature!
Good luck my loves and let the games begin! XOXOX-Erin ♡

Quick Breakdown:
*Must follow my blog
*Must have a minimum of 5 documented referrals
*Referrals MUST comment WHO referred them in the comments section of this post!